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Native Spanish Teacher
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Hola, ¿qué tal?

My name is Leticia Fuentelsaz and I’m a native Spanish teacher born in Castile (Soria, Spain). I enjoy travelling ever since I can remember. I have lived in quite a few countries across Europe and I can say I have explored the 5 continents!

I am a very creative person, which led me to study Photography (Madrid) and later on Graphic Design back in Soria. My first teaching experience was in 2010 during a summer camp in Morocco. I discovered how much I enjoy teaching my mother tongue and sharing my culture. Since then I have been teaching Spanish in various countries, face to face and online. Additionally, I have a DELE (Spanish for Foreign People) Examiner Certification from the Instituto Cervantes in Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Plática means conversation/chat in Spanish. I chose that name because my method is focused on communication in real life situations. In addition, I like not only to teach Spanish but also to share the multiple cultures of the Spanish speaking countries. My lessons are completely tailor made to the student’s goals. Whether you want to focus on grammar, business, specific real life situations or just improve your vocabulary, we will create a personalised program for you together!


» Muy personal «

Me encanta viajar y aprender idiomas.
(I love traveling and learning new languages.)

Mi marido es de la India, y estoy aprendiendo un poco de hindi.
(My husband is Indian and I’m learning a bit of hindi.)

Lo que más me gusta de mi trabajo es conocer a personas de todo el mundo y ayudarles a aprender español.
(The best thing about my work is that I am able to meet people from all over the world and help them learning Spanish.)

Vengo de una familia de sastres y puedo hacerme mi propia ropa.
(I come from a family of tailors and I am able to make my own clothes.)

Me encanta pasar tiempo en la naturaleza. Las montañas me hacen sentir segura y el mar me da una paz infinita.
(I just love spending time in nature. The mountains make me feel safe, and the sea gives me a feeling of endless peace.)

Hago yoga y meditación en casa todos los días. Se empieza el día de otra manera.
(I do yoga at home every day. It is the best way to start the day.)

He vivido en varios lugares de Europa (Bélgica, Londres, Malta, Holanda, Italia) y actualmente vivo en Maryland, Estados Unidos.
(I have lived in several places across Europe
(Belgium, London, Malta, The Netherlands, Italy) and I currently live in Maryland, US.)

Here is what my students say 

“Agradezco a Leticia por haberme introducido al español en tan poco tiempo. En unas pocas lecciones, con su simpatía, su competencia y su perfecto acento castellano, me dió a conocer este maravilloso lenguaje. Aprecié la flexibilidad en los tiempos y en los temas por tratar. ¡Realmente gracias Leticia!”
Fabrizio Turrini, Udine, Italy
“Leticia is a great teacher! She will teach you Spanish in a creative way, taking your personal areas of interest into to the classes so as to make them more fun. It is easy to learn with her. She is structured, patient and positive. Our classes take place via Skype, but that does not lower the quality of the lessons. I’ve learned a lot with Leticia’s help!”
Ragnhild Moritz-Olsen, Oslo, Norway
“Leticia is an excellent teacher. In only ten lessons I was able to speak some Spanish, to understand many conversations and to manage daily situations easily and feeling comfortable when meeting Spanish people. I studied English, French and German at school and I noticed that her method and her accuracy can help you exactly in the fields you need. Furthermore she is enthusiastic, she really loves life and her job and this helps a lot. Lessons with Leticia are a great pleasure, you learn and enjoy what you are doing. She is helpful, she prepares each lesson carefully, following your needs and your interest. I totally recommend her! ¡Muchas gracias Professora!”
Viviana Capurso, Udine, Italy
“Leticia is an excellent and committed Spanish instructor! She is great at gauging what her students understand and adapting to help them learn. She really wants her students to interact, learn and succeed. I enjoyed every minute of our classes and they helped me a lot with my University exams!”
Rachel Penner, Los Angeles, US
“My experience with Leticia has been great. I have improved my Spanish a lot. I was able to have a (basic) conversation in Spanish after only two months of classes! I liked how she adapted the lessons to my personality and hobbies. I had never studied a language like this before, I mean, in a fun way. Leticia makes you feel comfortable from the very first day, and her lessons are fun, interesting and very productive!”
Maros Kvasnak, London, UK
“I took spanish lessons from Leticia in the summer of 2016. I learned a lot from her, especially the Spanish verbs. I had a great time, the classes were very interesting and never boring, and she helped me a lot!”
Chiel De Bruijn, The Hague, The Netherlands